i have noticed that if you do a channel scan on the sv the box super usb early in the day you will not receive all the stations. some channels only broadcast after 8pm. so if you are in the dublin n*l area you should have 141 tv channels after a late night scan. this may help some people who are missing channels.
They will all scan in but, you just wont be able to view them thats all, also be aware when you are scanning, if you scan with a splitter in place, you will have the same prob, ie missing channels.
You might be right Declan, I did a re-scan recently, only noticed later that day that I was missing the adult channels, re-scanned that evening and there they were....switched channel immediately of course...
dont want to sound smart e45 but they dont scan in, have done numerous boxes and the result is a different number of channels depending on the time of day. to get all the 141 channels the scan must be done after 8 pm.