msn/aol/trillian/yahoo/ skype to name a few.All are good versatile programs that will allow you to chat vai headset, typing, or even webcam
yo i got a mod chip put in my xbox and i need to no do i have 2 get hard mods or can i use soft mods but and if i do need hard mods where do i get them from i looked everywhere on the net and didnt find anything need help if anyone plays halo2 online send friend request 2 TheOnlyTruPlaya, HaUrDeadImNot, TRUE PLAYER12, and Jarabi40 and if nebody gots a 2month trial i need it
[bold]trueplaya[/bold] - i see this is your first post here so i'll cut you some slack. see the Forum Rules in my sig. and next time choose an apporpriate Forum, no hijacking threads, especially with offtopic/irrelevant stuff