cheap PCMCIA or USB TV-tuner with CC

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by Lookinfor, Dec 13, 2005.

  1. Lookinfor

    Lookinfor Member

    Dec 13, 2005
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    Could you help me to choose a cheap PCMCIA or USB TV-tuner that supports CLOSED CAPTIONS, please? (AverTV CardBus supports CC, but it is 100$ and, surprisingly enough, it is not available in my town)

    Thanks in advance
  2. budberner

    budberner Guest

    What do you mean noy available in my town? Buy online
  3. sackingz

    sackingz Guest

    try froogle...i like wintv, you can get those for like 50-70 bucks if on sale...ati technolgoies have one also but runs around 80 bucks...I dont know if these have the closed captions....

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