Hi guys, A few times a day my sagem 2xAMD will start chirping at me. The video signal is fine but the audio signal starts sqeaking/chirping at me. It's kinda hard to describe but the only way to fix the problem is to reboot the box. Anyone else experienced anything like this? Thanks in advance for your help.
just tried using a digital cable (spdif) and have watched 30mins of a channel where it would happen every 5 mins and now it doesn't happen at all it might be something to to with the DAC that outputs to the rca and scart connections. using the digital output bypasses the DAC and it works fine so it might be the DAC that has the problem hopefully 30minutes was a long enough test time
Sandy, Try the following : Press dbox Button, Then goto settings, Then goto misc settings and turn HW-Sections use : off AVI-_Watchdog activate: on eNX-Watchdog activate: on PMT Update use: off Then press home then red button to save settings. For the next bit i am assuming you are using Commando 6 Next press Dbox button Then goto extras menu Set EMU to mgcamd, Set UCODE to 0014 Hope This Helps Conny
thanks for that advice, all my settings were as you described other than the EMU, i have now set it to use mgcamd, ill try this for the next few days, many thanks