I have nvidia geforce 8300 gs it does not seem to be doing the job. looking for replacement? Intel(r) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz RaM 3.00 Gaming graphics 1407 MB total available graphics memory Primary hard disk 379GB free (457Gb Total) System type 32-bit Number processors 2 64-bit capable yes
What's your current PC? I'm guessing it's prebuilt? if it is, that HD4870 almost certainly won't work in it.
It is a Pavilion a6244n. I am putting another geg in it for a total of 4g. I am just looking for some options.
I would advise against that, it may not be compatible. 3GB should be enough unless you're using Vista. Also no, the power supply in that system is nowhere near powerful enough to take an HD4870. This is what I recommend you get instead: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102820 It's half as powerful as the 4870 suggested, if that. However it's much cheaper and it's still perhaps six or seven times as powerful as the 8300GS the system comes with.
I am using vista and I already upgraded my power supply to 400 watts. the manual said I could go to 4g of ram. Thanks
But which 400W PSU? If it's a cheap brand you've probably actually made it worse. The manual will say the PC can support 4GB and it can, but adding a 1GB stick to the three already in place isn't really a great idea, your best bet would be to replace one of the sticks with a 2x1GB matching set.
That is what I'm am doing I am taking out two 512 and replacing with a match set 2x1GB. As far as the power suply I had the guys at best buy help me pic it out I think they liked the idea of going to a 500 watt.
Oh great, so the guys at Best Buy who know nothing about PC hardware bought it. Doesn't fill me with confidence. What brand is it? it probably ought to be replaced by the unit that used to be in the system, that's likely to be safer and more reliable.
I've had this power supply installed for a year and a half and it has not caused me a problem.That is a relief. I will keep your suggesting about the graphics card in mind thank you.
All I'll say is that I had a cheap PSU last about a year and a half before it went bang and destroyed one of my HDDs and a stick of RAM. Just tell me what brand it is, for all I know it could be alright.
DYNEX ModelX-PS400W2 AC input: 115/230v-60/50Hz, 7/4 Fan Controlled ATX 12v Power Supply I opened it up and took a look. What do you think?
switch it out. it's one of bestbuy's brands, and i doubt it's strong enough for a HD4870. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139008 it's reliable name brand over cheap with computer components, especially power supplies.
Agreed, it's a very poor unit for long term reliability, and if you upgrade it will probably go bang. I'd say get the 400W Corsair CX but stick with an HD4850 or lower for the single PCI-express power connector required.
when you suggested the HD4850 it looked like their were a lot to chose from. could you be a little more specific on which card would be good. I put in that crucial 400 watt power supply.
You mean Corsair This is the HD4850 I usually recommend: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102824