Using DVD2One, Sony DRX500UL, PIII 384MB; ripping with DVDDecryp, burning with Nero demo version; movies look great up until about the last 10-25 min, then it gets choppy, freezes, etc. Using Princo 1x DVD-Rs from Shop4Tech; trying to play on Apex, JVC and Toshiba players. Any ideas would be appreciated.
I've got an idea learn to use the search facility....... This question gets asked about twice a week. It's crap media get some decent discs.
most forums that set aside a newbie room provide help not attitude; thanks for responding, next time try to provide some useful information. How exactly do you define "crap" media, what search phrase would have provided useful info ? don't worry, I don't expect you to respond, you are to busy helping other newbies with your wit.
most newbies should know to search the forum. I would suggest that the words 'freeze' and 'end' would have brought up the required answers for you. (In fact a glance trough the topics in this very forum would probably have led you to see this question 3 or 4 times in the last couple of weeks And I did answer your question, your problem is due to crap media (I define crap media as media that freezes in the last part of the film) A quick look in the DVD Media section will point you in the direction of some decent media