Hi, Does everyone get the same number of channels in all Chorus area's, in Nass i get 63 Channels via my Sagem Box (Chorus Box) this is a bit suprising as i assumed i would get the same 141 i got with NTL when i lived just ten miles away in South Dublin, and also as they both were bought up by UPC and there was so much talk of them bringing Chorus up to the NTL number of Channels. So where do you live and how many channels do you recieve.
Hi, Can you have Chorus MMDS for TV and get there Cable Modem Service at the same time, i taught if you have there cable modem service then you had pure digital. Thanks
UPC began to change the channel lineup for chorus cable last week. Maybe your area get the new channel lineup at a later date. Btw. which default frequency do you see at your chorus box?
Hey, I could see why changing it on my Sagem box would make a differance but on my DBox shouldn't it have picked up more than 63 Channels, i used the Irish3 zip file and contained cables.xml above and recieved the same 63 channels, could it be that my tv comes from MMDS via 324 but there is digital Cable there on 322. Thanks
Ah thats Grand, Was getting a bit thick with myself for spending 140 on a DBOX for only 63 Channels. Cheers