Hi, I would like to know of anybody that bought a debox for the Chrous area in Cork especially and if they received all the channels and where is the best place to purchase box please?
i have rigged up a sagem dbox2 and recieve a total of 51 channels . i'm new to the forum as well . i got mine from ebay . the problem i notice is that if you change channels quiet fast the box can crash but if you get your dbox2 remote and do the following . press dbox button- go to main menu - press no6 service and go into bouquet editor . if you organise your channels in this section and save . next time you start your dbox go straight into your bouquet section and once opened you can freely move up and down the channels . the software i use has sportster image on it .one or two channels are like scrathched dvds and some channels freese but over all i am happy with the box .