I've heard about Circuit City selling X360 120gb hdds for $80 + tax so can anyone verify that this offer still exists or has it expired?
Since Circuit City is closing its stores (link here) I wouldn't be surprised if they're offering deals like this. With that being said, it's not available on their website. Most likely deals like this will only be available at the store and only until they sell out. The best deals I found during a few minutes of searching comes from the following sites. Used Drive http://www.gamedealdaily.com/store/product.php?product=955 New Drive http://www.stootsi.com/store/item.aspx?item=96639595 http://www.netdirectbargains.com/items/item.aspx?itemid=6989980 Retail (Official MS Packaging) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16874103062