there seems to be a misunderstanding either on my part or on some other members part that a Bin/Cue file can be burned to DVD5. I have always thought that Bin/Cue files are CD-images for burning onto CDs (VCD) not DVDs. Can a Bin/Cue file be burned on DVDs? and if so can you show me what programs do this and how. thank you.
I have yet to able to burn a Bin file on a DVD! can you show me how???? every time I use a CUE file it asks for a CD...... not a DVD!. I think when they say CD/DVD meaning CD image or DVD image...... not interchangeable CD or DVD (meaning you can burn either or with the image file!~ it's all how you interpret it..... but I have yet to see a BIN and CUE file burned onto a DVD...... the programs always asks for a CD writable.
gotcha! thanks for the clearing up on the subject...... are there Bin/Cue files for DVDs? haven't seen them.