Hey, we have a classic DVD player that we bought from a local movie rental store and it works fine for all movies that I burn from the computer. But like we rent a dvd, and it works on my personal dvd player in my room, but in the family one (classis dvd player, from rental store). What it will do is it will play the movie, and you can hear backround music and see the picture but you cant hear voices (like actors talking). Any ideas? I have tried restoring the dvd player to default but no luck. Any other ideas? Thanks -Pat (redhatman)
I am not as all knowing as some of the people here but what I am thinking is that maybe the player is too old for the newer discs that dvd's are being made for? If you personal player is new and works just fine I would think that would point to the older player. Could be a problem with the laser not catching all the audio from the dvd because of the way it was burned.