Cleaning DVD Recorder lens - good or bad???

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by NettB77, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. NettB77

    NettB77 Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Here's my deal... I have a Panasonic DVD Recorder - Model No. DMR-E100H. I've had it for over two years now. It still works like a dream. It records great and still dubbs great, too.

    I noticed about 2 weeks ago when I put a dvd in- a different, louder loading sound- more like a strange chugging noise. I had placed the dvd in just the right spot, too. Mind you I have had it awhile, so I know just where to place the dvd. When I eject it and put the dvd back in, it seems to be alright. It has repeatedly done this strange noise periodically since, and sometimes makes this same noise when I finalize a disc, too.

    I have never cleaned my unit's lens and noticed in the manual that it says this should be done once a year with DVD-RAM/PD lens cleaner (LF-K123LCCA1). I thought - okay I'll get that and do that. Well, I researched it on-line and noticed people saying that dvd lens cleaners could actually scratch my lens up and make things worse - so now I am uncertain as to what I should do. I searched the forums here and found mixed results. Any suggestions or advice?
  2. david66

    david66 Regular member

    Apr 17, 2004
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    it sounds like your recorder is in need of service or a new unit
  3. damon22

    damon22 Member

    May 5, 2007
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    I own the samw Panasonic DVD recorder, but haven't been using it as long. The recordings are starting to have fractured pixels and gaps. I was thinking of getting the lens cleaner mentioned, and it's not cheap. I was wondering if NettB877 actually bought the lens cleaner and if it cleared up his problem. Thanks
  4. NettB77

    NettB77 Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    No, I didn't get the disc cleaner. After reading several reviews on it - I found that it was rather risky and might scratch the internal hard drive disc further.

    The odd sound I had before has gone away- so I don't currently have any problems with it. I do think cleaning it is important, however... I just haven't figured out a full-proof way of doing it. Any suggestions???
  5. damon22

    damon22 Member

    May 5, 2007
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    I decided to buy the lens cleaner, and had a hard time locating it. One store that claimed to have it then said they could get it in two weeks; the strange part is that the store has two names, chicago digital and, and it was under two prices. They said they were going to charge me the higher price, $66.23 including shipping. In the meantime, I wrote to Panasonic, and I ended up ordering one from them (It was also backordered so I won't see it for two weeks or more.) Here is what they wrote (It cost $4.95 to ship):
    The part number for the DVD Lens Cleaner is RP-CL720 (replaces LF-K123LCA1), which is currently on back order with the factory for 2-4 weeks. The pricing is $19.04. There is also a $5.95 shipping/handling fee within the U S, as well as your local taxes, attached to this order. Orders placed on our website at may offer up to 20% off of freight handling.

    You may also call (800) 833-9626 to order, however, the freight handling discount will not be available.

    Thank you for your inquiry,
    National Parts Center

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