CLONE DVD - DVD image (ISO) - Whats tht? ++ Help with copying --- Assistance

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by craige4u, May 16, 2007.

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  1. craige4u

    craige4u Member

    May 5, 2007
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    First querie:
    In copy as option i get options,

    DVD &
    DVD image (ISO)

    I want to know whats this image(ISO) thing? which option out of two yeild better option?

    Second querie:
    I copied movie only (1HR 40Mins.) with option DVD-5, and i get in quality bar 90% and when i choose option DVD-9 i get 100% quality bar.

    Now the catch is DVD-5 option copies the movie with file size 3.95GB, and DVD-9 option creates file size 4.35GB.

    So how come DVD-5 option says cant fit the movie on single DVD and hence shows 90% and decrease quality?

    Third Querie
    I want to burn DVD disks,so how to use built-in burn software on clone DVD?
    At the moment i use Nero 7 (Which nero option U all use?, i use DVD-Video files option)
  2. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    <10>Why does my disk not hold 4.7GB?
    A lot of people wonder why there 4.7GB discs only write 4.38GB at maximum capacity. There is nothing wrong with your disk, but just and industry standard of calculating gigabytes. To be frank there way is incorrect because it actually takes 1024 bytes to make a full MB, yet the industry uses 1000? Go figure.. 4.7 GB discs = 4.38 GB or 4489 MB for DVD-R and 4483 MB for DVD+R.

    a DL disk will hold over 8GB of information on it with layer breaks. do a google search on DL disks and you'll find out more information.

    So if a movie is 6GBs (movie only) then this movie has to be transcoded/encoded to a smaller footprint to fit onto a blank DVD5 .... but will fit totally onto a DVD9 (DL disk). hence the DVD5 will need a program like Shrink, NeroRecode, CloneDVD2 and many others to make the movie smaller. The 90% quality will give you great results and you won't notice any difference between the original and the copied movie! I use DVDRebuilder Pro with CCE if the quality score goes below 80%... that's my guide because I want the best quality I can get and Rebuilder does the best quality! But, I use DVDClone2 and AnyDVD when it's just 80% or higher because you can't notice the difference and it's much faster than DVDRebuilder!

    now the copy options.... ISO (which is an image of the full DVD or movie) or the DVD compliant files which is IFO, BUP, and VOB files. Look up their definition in the GLOSSARY section found in the tab on top of the page! if you look up their meanings you will find what is meant by it and how to use it! I use the DVD files.

    and if you want to know what kind of programs are out there then here ya go:

    and if you want guides:
    2> GUIDES, If you can’t figure it out with these ,then you may need to go back to school, and just give up all together!!!

    bbmayo’s Site – These guides are designed especially for the newbie in mind with pictures and everything
    ScubaPete – One of the most knowledgeable people here when it comes to backing up DVD’s
    Decrypter Settings
    AfterDawn Guides Very useful guides just in case!
    Doom9 lots of guides for just about anything!

    and if you have more questions then read this first:

    I hope these answers helped you. welcome to afterdawn.
  3. craige4u

    craige4u Member

    May 5, 2007
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    Anybody with proper answers, especially to the First querie.
  4. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    you mean anything that you understand.... maybe I should use sign language!!!!^^
  5. craige4u

    craige4u Member

    May 5, 2007
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    Listen you havent got the question properly,

    1] I knw single layer writes 4.40Gb Approx. but the thing is my movie is 4.35Gb at 100% quality but the software selects 90% only on DVD-5, how come tht when the movie is only 4.35GB tht can fit into single DVD ?

    2] I knw whts ISO image(it creates exact copy/clone) but then whts things it omits when i select DVD option? what make best quality was my question and which one is preferable and why?

    3] Its great to use VOB software or nero 7 better?
    And which option u all use in Nero 7 to copy DVD.

    You tend to havent answer any and hence i written "Anybody with proper answers" - Got it
  6. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    sorry...... maybe someone else can help you!
    Last edited: May 17, 2007
  7. onya

    onya Guest

    I really doubt it IHoe, you have given link upon link, enough material to read upon, and still no resolution. craige4u, please revisit the advise given, and do it carefully and above all do it respectfully. (not that IHoe needs confirmation from me). Perhaps this thread is better off closed, with respects to IHoe's efforts.
  8. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    closed due to multi-posting
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