1. I copied a movie and when re-authoring (using Shrink) I included Subpicture (English). However now that I play the copy - no closed caption. Is it a fluke or did I something wrong? 2. When re-authoring I see under Audio Main Movie twice the same audio groups - ac3 5.1 ch (two times) and ac3 2ch (two times). Do I need both of them or can I safely delete one group?
If it's important, pick one - back it up to your HD then play it with Power DVD or whatever prior to burning to disc - If you don't like it - try again Pete
Hi kev As far as the closed caption, See if your dvd remote control will let you see the caption. If you included menus on your dvd, see if you can toggle it on or off using the menus.
The possible problem with that is, if you re-Author, you'de have no menus That's why I said, play it while still on your HD - nothing wasted "P"
@ itsmekev, 1) as already suggested, try the "Subtitles" button on your remote control. For the subtitles to appear by default, right click on the title - when in Re-author mode. You'll see a menu that will enable you to chose whether you want the subtitles to appear automatically or not. 2) To change the audio stream you hear when previewing, simply right-click in the preview window, and do it via the menu that appears. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]~ ddlooping~ For DVD Shrink and related softwares guides and downloads, please visit http://www.dvdshrink.info[/small]
Thank you guys for all the advice and suggestions. I tried to view CC either with the TV remote or the DVD player but with no luck. Oh well, once in while s__t can (and must) happen. If it'll happen again you all will hear from my attorney... Happy burning.
Pete, Regarding your previous message about keeping the menu - I think that you can do it either with Recode or Shrink, only difference is that with Shrink you need to do Full Backup and Still Pictures for the extras you're not interested in, while with Recode you can place a pic or custom color in place of the deleted title, but essentially you can achieve the same result with both. Am I wrong (as usual)?
(Huuuuuummm, don't ever remember telling this little guy he was wrong, maybe I'm really starting to lose what few gray cells I had left - Ya think ?) That's very true - the reason I made my posts is that in your opening post you stated you were re-Authoring in DVD Shrink - My suggestion was to use recode2 OR DVDLab Any how there wish we could have been of more help to you, I'm feeling we let ya down, sorry about that - Pete