Clueless and in need of help burning DVD

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by thomas44, Jun 30, 2007.

  1. thomas44

    thomas44 Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    I just bought a new Compaq Presario SR5010NX with Windows Vista. I have 13 days left to decide if I want to keep it or not. I bought it so I can have a DVD burner. I've spent 2 days so far and have yet to be successful in burning one DVD. I was able to make a back up recovery disc with no problem.
    I've tried the following as suggested on this web site to make a copy of

    1. A movie.
    2. Previously recorded TV shows.

    DVD Fab HD Decrypter
    DVD Decrypter

    *DVD Fab HD Decrypter: As directed I Clicked on Main Movie (Not sure what to click on for TV shows) Results: "Process completed successfully"

    *DVD Decrypter: As directed I set Mode: ISO: Write.
    Here's where the problem's start to arise. After I set Mode and write speed (4x for now) What do I do next. I go to "select file please": I find the file but I can't load it up. DVDFab> MainMovie> DVD_Volume> Video_TS> = 9 different files. Which one do I chose??? And they don't show up under "supported files". I have to click on "All files" before they show up. If I click on any one of them I then get an error message: "Invalid or unsupported image file format!" If I close out without choosing any of them I get error messages: "Fail to set data for" and "Failed to set data for 'DVDDecrypterPlayDVDMovieOnArrival'.

    So what's my next move? What kind of file would they be saved as? Some of the “Unsupported” files were VOB, IFO and BUP. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I somehow went on to Shrink and RipIt4me and copied the disc "successfully" but of course I couldn't watch it on any DVD players that I have or the computer I just made a copy of. I am clueless about ripping and burning because I never got my feet wet ripping and burning CD's. Usually I'm able to figure it out but I'm getting nowhere fast on this one.
  2. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Hi thomas44
    Decrypter only burns image files like iso's so that's why you can't see the files and when you do try and pick them it says unsupported.

    DVD Fab probably saved them in a video_ts folder so if the size is less than 4.36 gig use the updated burning part of Decrypter - ImgBurn.
    Use the build mode and add the video_ts folder to burn.
    Set the burn speed at 1/2 the rated speed of the media.

    If it's over 4.36 gig then open those files in Shrink to compress to fit on a single layer dvd. When you click backup under select backup target pick 'iso and burn w/ decrypter'.

    For TV shows you'll want to rip the full disc. Picking movie only on these will just pick the biggest file which will be only 1 episode.

    What media are you using - like Sony +R 16x? That may be the cause of not playing back.
  3. thomas44

    thomas44 Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    I'll try what you suggested. The file was less then 4.36 gigs if I'm not mistaken.

    I've been using both Memorex -R and +RW 16x(?)

    Thanks for your help and thanks also for the information on the TV programs. That's my main reason I bought the DVD burner. I only have the one DVD movie. The TV shows have been transferred from VHS to DVD on my stand alone DVD recorder. Would like to make some copies.
  4. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Hmmm Memorex uses different manufacturers - may not be compatible w/ the player. Other media to try would be Verbatim or made in Japan Sony, Fuji or Maxell.
    Use ImgBurn and build mode. Set the write speed to 8x. See if that helps w/ playback.
    For the RW discs they're usually only 2.4x or 4x max burn speed so burning at those speeds should be fine.
  5. thomas44

    thomas44 Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    I upgraded the burning part of Decrypter with ImgBurn. Everything was moving along swimmingly until I went to Shrink and did as you said:
    "When you click backup under select backup target pick 'iso and burn w/ decrypter'. " Then got an error message. "DVD Shrink encountered an error and cannot continue. The specified folder is invalid. Access is denied."

    I was using a +RW disc at the time. I tried a -R disc and it started to burn it. It completed it's mission but the file extension is .100 and the next 5 files had extension .101, .102, .103, .104 and the last one had .MDS. I can't play it on anything

    File Type: Unknown
    Description: Windows does not recognize this file type.

    I was thinking of getting a different brand of disc. Verbatim may be the way to go from what I've been reading.
  6. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    You'll want to burn the .mds file when you burn again. It's like a catalog file that will pull in and burn all the image files needed and information on the dvd.
    For the life of me right now I can't remember why shrink is breaking down to the image file into those 4 parts. I wanna say FAT32 but if this is a new pc the hard drive would be formatted to NTFS. The site that used to have a guide on this is no longer :(
  7. thomas44

    thomas44 Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    Got up early this morning and finally had a little success. I was able to copy a full disc of one of my TV shows I previously copied on my DVD recorder. Success there. That was my original objective. I used Roxio that came with the computer.

    I then tried to make a copy of the movie I already had put on the hard drive with DVD Fab decrypter. Everything seemed to be going well until the very last. I got a message that said there was an error on the disk(+RW) or something like that. So later on this morning I tried again with a brand new disc (-R). I was copying it as Data from the file saved as before. I was able to make a copy but couldn't play it on my DVD player. Had more luck on my computer though. The program is broken down into 9 parts. 5 parts with extension VOB. I was able to play part 1 but it stopped at the end and I had to click on Chapter 2 to continue. Etc.etc. It starts up in French but I was able to change it to English very easily. The other files are 2 BUP and 2 IFO files. BTW I downloaded a DVD viewer called VLC and played it on that. The DVD player on my new computer has frozen up on me a few times already. Any other good DVD viewers that you can suggest?

    I saw one of the members speak highly of a program called AnyDVD which is for sale. I wouldn't mind buying it if I knew it worked. Any thoughts on that?

    I'll still be plugging away until I get things right. Any comments on editing once I get further along? Can I make chapters to view? It would be helpful once I start making copies of the TV shows. I have about 5 - 40 minute shows on each disk.

    Well it's time to take one step backwards now since I had my 2 steps forward this morning. Thanks again for your time and help.
  8. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Looks like you're making some progress!

    For the files you ripped w/ DVDFab - that's the right file structure and what will be in the video_ts folder.
    Now when you burn don't use the data disc option - not all players will play or recognize the disc burned this way.
    Use a dvd-video option and add the video_ts folder.
    I haven't used Roxio in a long time so not sure which option you would use.
    VLC is a good player I use that one along w/ Nero's Showtime and Windows Media Player.

    AnyDVD is a great tool but I don't think it would fit your needs now. It's used for breaking the copy protection on original dvd's.
    I would suggest looking into Nero - has a lot of the options you are looking for like editing (Vision in Nero does this).
    Roxio may do this too but again I haven't used it in a long time so I'm not sure what all it does anymore.

    For the dvd's you want copies of recorded from the dvd recorder you should just be able to do a copy to copy option.
  9. thomas44

    thomas44 Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    Well I went back 2 or 3 steps on Sunday but I crossed the finish line on Monday. Also got some good information from one of the guides. I stopped using DVD Fab Decrypter. The process I use now is:

    3.Decrypter or Roxio.

    It works like a charm. I burned 2 movies and burned a series of TV shows with no problems at all. I feel like a pro now.

    Don't know if this would make a difference but DVD Fab Decrypter would only allow me to set "DVD 9" for quality. While DVD decrpter the setting was "5".

    Thanks again for your help.
  10. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Good news indeed- yes you are well on your way now!

    Hmmm the dvd-9 shouldn't make a difference. Both DVDFab and Decrypter rip the full disc - no compression.

    Hang on to and update DVDFab when there's updates. It's still updated to handle newer copy protections unlike decrypter and shrink so you might need it for newer movies.

    Happy Burning!

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