I have just found your site,it is very helpful. I now know what a coaster is,I have boxes and boxes of them. Here is my question.I am still using my free trial of anydvd and clone DVD2 .It is easy to use and I would now like to purchase them.However some of the copies stick when I play them on my TV, through the DVD player. They play but every so often stop for a few seconds. I am buying good quality blanks and they are expensive here about 3 dollars each.Also when I try to copy a DVD it takes on average 2 hours to read it and then 2 hours to write it.Often at the point when I put in the blank to be copied to, it just keep asking me to do it again. (I understand these are the coasters) Just purchased a box (25) sony for 75 dollars (I am in Cyprus) and up to now none of them work .I have put in a Verbatim and thats working OK. I have copied about 10 films up to now for the Kids. The kids are now wondering why shrek and Ants have developed stutters. Any help will be most appreciated. Thank you
Can you post your system specs? You can check your players compatibility here http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers
Flip is correct - playback problems usually associated with poor media - browse this site for guides to good qualtity media. Your read/burn times are very poor and not typical - suggest you should check that you are using DMA and not PIO mode with your DVD/CD players - info available from your Device Manager. Would also suggest that you may consider a DVD Shrink/DVD Decrypter/Nero combination for encoding/burning. Shrink and Decrypter are free with software and guides available from this site. Nero is very versatile and trail versions can be downloaded
Your burning times do not indicate this being a problem, but maybe change your burning speed to a different setting (lower perhaps). Good luck and let us know how it goes.
It very well could be the pc. I have an old p3 gateway, 500mhz, 384mb ram ... and it takes 2-3 hours to backup a dvd.
I would just like to say Thank You to everyone who gave me advice, regarding coasters and stickies. I changed from PIO to DMA and I use verbatim DVDs. I can now copy in less than 1 hour, sometimes 30 minutes and up to now all the dvds have performed well. I will now be buying anydvd and clone dvd. Once again a very big thank you to all.
Dang it sure is expensive for you in Cyprus. I just started in this burn business last Friday and have not made the first coaster. But I did a lot of lurking and reaing in this forum and that sure made it easy with the world of knowledge you can obtain here. My programs consist of Shrink and Decrypter and Nero 6 express that I paid five dollars for. This set is hell to beat. And the guides found here make it easy.
Flip ___________________________________________________ It very well could be the pc. I have an old p3 gateway, 500mhz, 384mb ram ... and it takes 2-3 hours to backup a dvd. _____________________________________________________ I have a PIII - 800 with 256mb RAM - my encoding times are always less than 30 minutes and burning times btwn 12 and 15 minutes.
starstar Good to see change to DMA mode and use of quality media has improved your burning times/reliabity etc. Flip I do not use the deep analysis function - with many hundreds of burns with Shrink, I am yet to find a burn of unacceptable quality on a 68cm screen. Majority of encodes are DVD9 did a few today for testing - may have exaggerated some of the encoding times in previous post but majority tend to encode in less than 30 minutes on a fairly basic system. Test results: Cold Mountain - encoding 55 minutes - burn 14.05 minutes Out of Time - encoding 35.05 minutes - burn 14.37 mins Torque - encoding 11.49 minutes - burn 13.38 mins. All times are for movie only mode in DVD Shrink.
colw, Well without using deep analysis, your times sound right. On my pc, using the old Shrink v3.1 w/ deep analysis ... start to finish would be around 45min. With the new Shrink v3.2 using all the extras, I think start to finish is around 2 1/2 hours.