im not too sure if this has been already implemented ooor its been suggested before so no burning please. but imo i think it would be fantastic to have a sort of code tag if you get what i mean, similar to quote function but it will allow users to post code in it. an example being the scenario where people ask how to put signiature images in their postbit so this way we would be able to use the code function and type everyting in there without additions to not actually use the code. lol sorry for the very sketchy description, if anybody else has a clue what im talking about then please do a better job explaining lol @ hey everyone just around for a not too long time but hey its almost christmas, and i remember last year all the greets and i intend on creating a sort of resurrection of the thread i made last year if anyone remembers lol well anyway ima stop typing now hope you get what imean.
That's a really good idea. It should be a matter of seconds to implement. Fair enough it will need policing a little to stop script kiddies sending each other exploits..but no biggie. I actually felt the need of this feature yesterday... Vote 2 :lol: *Hi Phantom..master sig maker.. Welcome back Been missing myself, but things seem to have calmed down a little now. AD needs us..with a condition.. I get abused again like I was before and I'm never coming back
heya how r u. i have to agree about the leaving thing. it sucks when ppl who try to help get abused and stuff. sucks like hell they dont appreciate free help. oh well thanx for the 2nd vote cause i have found the need for this feature many times and i hope that it will be implemented.