Codec Compatibilty Concerns

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by DiABOLiK, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. DiABOLiK

    DiABOLiK Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    Hi Guys, Just signed up here- Fanatstic site!! A+

    Just a quick question though, i too, just purchased the phillips DVP642-Great machine! My question is this, is their a way to determine codec caomapatibility with the machine? I like to know how to determine which xvid-divx files this machine will play. I have a great many files of the afforementioned, and only some of them play well. The others either say-codec not supported, others have heavy pixelation-making movie unwatchable. I have the *-spot movie file analyzer. are there specific fields i should be aware of in order to know what will play when burned or am i just SOL? Thanks in advance, everyone on this site is awesome!! D
  2. fishily

    fishily Member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    Just to start, I don't own a 642 so I'm guessing with some of this. I believe the 642 is a ESS based player and so it can't do GMC or Qpel. So you need to check your avi's with AVIchecker

    Which will give an output like this

    Total Streams: 2
    Running Time: 0:44:06
    Index Chunk: Yes
    Interleaved: Yes
    Max Bytes Per Sec: 0
    AUDIO: 0 - AC3 (0x2000) --- Dolby Digital, it could say MP3
    Average bitrate Per Sec: 192 kb/s --- The bitrate, with MP3 it's often 128
    Samples Rate: 48000 Hz
    Channels: 2
    Bits Per Sample: 0
    SuggestedBufferSize: 3840
    Sample Size: 1
    VIDEO: DIV3 --- The video type here DIVX 3, but could say XVID or DX50 for Divx5
    B-VOP: No --- No packed bitstream
    S(GMC)-VOP: No --- No GMC
    QuarterPixel: No --- No Qpel
    Frame Size: 512 x 384 --- The resolution
    Frames Rate: 25.000
    Color Depth: 24
    Total Frames: 66171
    SuggestedBufferSize: 48548

    You really want all three of

    B-VOP: No
    S(GMC)-VOP: No
    QuarterPixel: No

    to say no.

    Now its best to compare the above with the files that your machine doesn't like.

    If it says B-VOP: Yes (only no GMC or QPel), and it is not happy then download Mpeg4modifier.

    This can be found at

    download the binary

    It need .Net, so install it at

    It will unpack the bistream with the need for re-encoding.

    If they have GMC or Qpel then you will need to re-encode, the easy way is Dr. Divx, if encoding fails set to one pass and it should work but lower quality. If you are feelling like a techo-hard-man then VirtualDub is the mans way to encode and there lots of instructions on how to do this spread around the forum.


  3. DiABOLiK

    DiABOLiK Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    Appreciate your time in replying!!

    This will help lots, THX
  4. Dog_Z123

    Dog_Z123 Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    You can also try gspot (codec information appliance). Works well at analyzing avi files and will tell you if your machine needs any codecs to play them for audio and video.
    download at

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