sorry i wouldn't know where else to place this inquiry. I have been making my CD lables with Lightscribe and as everyone knows they can only be in black/white tones. I was told we can create color etched labels using a scanner. Can anyone discibe this process. I'd love to be able to make family color CD labels with or without lightscribe. Paper labels are not acceptable. Thank you
With a special printer and special media you can print full size color labels right onto your disc. Lightscribe is still black and white, but with color cd's.
Thanks PIP. I know of only the Epson brand printers that allow you to do this. I was, however, looking to see if there was an online service I could email my self designed cover to and they would burn a blank CD cover in color. To buy an Epson for this purpose alone, which it would be, would be a waste of $300 plus I understand the ink is very costly.
I'd take a look in the forums I know there was talk of these photo printers. I also know that Epson makes a high quality model that retails for around US $140. They are great devices and unlike LightScribe the printing wont fade in the sun.
Thanks i'll check Epson's site. After doing some digging on my own I found out you CAN have it done professionally. Its call silk screening to CDs but its difficult to find anyone to do in small quantities. Thanks again PIP