I have 3 Cd's that I would like to put into just 1 CD. How can I make them into MP3 format or WMA ?? I downloaded them using windows media player already. I'm using Nero Express & when I try to put them in even as WMA format it keeps saying it an incompatable format. Is this possible to do and if yes can anyone help ?? Thanks, dabig25
Well if they are WAW cd's (or what you call an straight cd), rip them to mp3 or wma with windows media player or music match jukebox,(I will recomend mp3 for compatibility or wma for space) burn the files as a data disc with nero, remember mp3, wma disc wont play on cd players unless the player says so.
I'll try that, burn them as data disc . Never of thought of that. Yeah, I have am MP3 player that also plays WMA. Thanks, paztelu