I have ripped my Poirot episodic disk with DVD Decrypter. Then I used IfoEdit and stripped each episode to their own directory. I then deleted all but the actual .vob files (VTS_01_01.vob, etc,). I successfully burned them individually to disk, but since they're only 50 minutes apiece, I'd like to put two episodes on each disk. Ideas? Dennis
I use DVDshrink for my episodal disks. It's very useful. The only problem is the last chapter on the first "movie" (or episode really); you cannot skip ahead. So if you plop in the DVD and want to watch the second episode, you have to spend about a minute scanning foreward. (oh how lazy we've become in this digital world) Other option is to copy the disc with DVD2one on full disc mode. I don't like that much compression though.