I just bought C&C Generals today and when i try to make an online account, a window pops up that says Password is incorrect. I don't understand why i get that message because it is a brand new game and i have never attempted to create a account before. Any help would be greatly appreciated
make sure ur user name is completly weird because may have picked the same user name.it might help beause thats wot happened to me hope it helps
You need to keep this to one thread and not post a new one. so I assume you made a backup -devmyster-?
I used a weird name and it worked but then it says invalid serial number. Which is impossible because it is the one that came with the game. Any seggestions?
contact the vendor or the publisher and im sure if you have proof of purchase they will be more than happy to help you or provide you with a new serial #
I have this game and never had issues with online or serial issues, So your getting a little confusing here, is it online account or the serial number is not working to play the game?
It was the online account but i solved that problem earlier and now the problem is the serial number sorry for being so confusing