I'm having trouble connecting to a DBox running Commando 10 (from Eamo's library). I using root/commando as user/password. I've selected "Start Network at Boot". By default there was no default gateway specified and no DNS. I tried changing the Default gateway to be both and, the box IP is I also tried various values for the DNS The connection is being timed out, I can't ping the box either. Any ideas?
Typo meant I've set the comptuers IP to be and used the same default gateway etc.
disable your wireless network, plug box into your laptop directly with crossover cable or through router without. click start, run, type in cmd, press ok At the command prompt type in ipconfig and press enter post back the ip, subnetmask and default gateway. then post the same from your box. the gateway should be the same, if the 2 are connected togeather, make the gateway the computers ip address. from a command prompt you should be able to ping the box by typing ping boxes ip address
An update on this, I've reflashed the box and can now ping it but still can't connect via FTP. When I try to FTP at the command prompt or via Filezilla I get a connection refused error. My laptop settings are: IP: Subnet: Default Gateway: Box Settings IP: Subnet: Broadcast: Default Gateway: When I first flashed the box there was no default gateway set. It made no difference. It's definitely not a user/pass problem as I'm not even getting that far via FTP from the command prompt
The ping times out. I've also tried changing the default gateway to be the same as the IP of the laptop to no avail. The only other thing that I haven't enabled is the DNS settings.
The gateway is the door to the outer world and is used if the target IP is not based in your local network. DNS convert a name to a IP. You don't need both for a direct connection to the dbox. It looks like you misconfigured the network at your pc.
Did you try a network test at the dbox. If you set the gateway at the dbox to the IP of your pc you get a message if that IP is reachable or not.
Ye tried that, my PC is unreachable. Which is weird since I'd only flashed the box 5 minutes earlier.
Can't see how I could flash the box with the same cable without any problem. I actually have 2 boxes both with Commando 10 with the same problem. I've 2 others with Sporter and Blade which I can connect to fine so that would seem to suggest something in the commando 10 config.
It the cable is ok it looks more like a number mismatch. For instance 186 instead of 168 in the ip or such things. Ping and network test should be working if the configuration is ok. Btw the password for a commando image is commando .