Just noticed that a few, not all, of my pictures have had the comments removed! Anyone else noticed this?
Pulsar: Hm? We fixed the removing of image comments yesterday (it didn't work previously), but only person who is allowed to remove picture comments are the authors of the pictures, nobody else can remove those.
I know drD, it's weird! Yep, eight of my piccys have had the comments removed. It was not myself either. This is indeed most puzzling!
pulsar my comments are gone also..and it started yesterday morning as the night b-4 the comments were there. i did not check to day, i just went now to check,comments are not there,they went poof,
I have also noticed this, but I thought it was just me, so thanks pulsar for pointing it out 'officially'. It still seems state that the comment exists, but when the picture is opened, the comments are nowhere to be seen. Another point to note is once one comments in on the said picture the previous comments seem to re-appear..
Hi guys =) There was a bug on the page that shows comments in which the comments were only shown if there was also rating given to the picture. However, the bug is now fixed. Thanks for bringing this up and sorry it took a while to fix it (yea, too much work and too little time... =) ) -teemu-