Communism is alive at Afterdawn!

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Faluke, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. Faluke

    Faluke Member

    Feb 21, 2007
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    Hello all, this is Kafluke. (and no I’m not worried about the mods contacting my ISP and reporting me LOL. Seriously guys. Come on!)

    Hey, even a convicted felon gets his chance to testify in court but they didn’t bother to even let me defend myself before they permanently banned me. No mods have responded to my feedback emails either so this is the best way to say what I have to say.

    I’m really disappointed at the new direction that afterdawn is going. I’ve been a member of these boards for a few years now and have been a contributing member of the psp-scene, the gamecube and ds scene, the xbox-scene and most recently, here on the wii front. I’ve helped countless people find solutions to their issues and have been a great resource as I have been contributing to the homebrew scene for over 10 years now. (dates back to original playstation) I’m not telling you any of this to toot my own horn. There are tons of members on here that are far more qualified to call themselves experts than me. I’m telling you all this so that you know just how quick they were to boot me to the curb without even giving me a chance. I’ve never even been suspended for a week, two, few days… nothing! Just BAM! Your gone! So nobody is safe.

    Also, I’m not telling you this because I’m out for revenge or anything like that. The forums on here are great. Very useful and full of great people. It’s the mods that I’m concerned about and these aren’t the only forums on the web. So they can go ahead and ban me and threaten me and delete my post or whatever they feel they want to do, but I just wanted to put this out as a warning.

    I’ve made a lot of good friends and contacts on here over the years, and it’s them that I’m worried about. Some 13 year old kid can get on here and start spouting out nonsense from anywhere and everywhere on the web and you attempt to correct him and save others from his BS and you get banned. It’s okay to lie, exaggerate, offend and mislead all you want, but if you happen to know that this is happening and you tell the kid to shut it. BOOM! It’s goodbye forever.

    And please, don’t tell me that you warned me because anybody could argue that those “warnings” were too general in nature to take as a threat. Let me give you an example. This kid, TabletPC started just such a thread where he was off the deep end about something regarding burning cd’s or whatnot and about 6 people told him to bugger off, including a MOD! Then this other mod posts that “some people could use some time off”. When I was banned by Nephilim, he cited that there were multiple warnings by ddp. Please Nephilim, do us all a big favor and quote me those specific warnings to me. You won’t find any warnings that could arguably be defined as specific toward the user “Kafluke”. Do you really find this fair?

    I doubt that you’ll even let the post exist after you read it first. I have just one question for you. How many people have you banned because of tabletpc? Doesn’t basic math logic tell you that when there are multiple people complaining about one user that you should look into the posts by that user instead of banning the contributing members that are complaining? Just a question.

    It’s just sad really. I’ve enjoyed these forums and I’ve done my fair share of contributing. I hate to see this happen to afterdawn. Before I go I want to leave you with the actual post that he banned me for and you be the judge. Happy trails everybody. It’s been fun!


    Thats off topic do that in the saftey Valve.
    daz, read only what's in bold genius.


    There was no excuse for that after all the warnings that have been given. Bans will be permanent from here on in.

    That was it!
  2. bopran

    bopran Guest

    Sorry to hear this news Kafluke. I once tried to help people the same way you did, and from the same member.
    I suffered a week ban. Since this ban i havent felt the need to post on threads in this forum. Its a Joke.
    This web site has seen better days.
    Its time to move on.
  3. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    guess what? this isn't a democracy, and this isn't your forum, so you have no control over how it's run. if you don't like it, then leave. and stay gone. thank you.
  4. inline

    inline Member

    Feb 12, 2006
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    yep tablepc is a pain in the ass.
  5. Faluke

    Faluke Member

    Feb 21, 2007
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    wow, now that was more severe than what I said and I was banned permanently. Watch out Auslander, you might be next! LOL

    Now how is it that posters like that with completely useless unnecessary posts are allowed to go on and all I've ever tried to do was help people and I was axed?
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2007
  6. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    Faluke, do a pm to site admin & SHOW everything including all warnings & see what happens
  7. oosel

    oosel Regular member

    Dec 25, 2006
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    Kafluke hope to see you around on the other forums. I have read a lot of your posts and never seen anything that should have led to to perminant ban.
  8. Faluke

    Faluke Member

    Feb 21, 2007
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    ddp, I was banned so how was I suppose to pm a mod? I had to open a new account and the ban said NOT to do that? I don't know what I could have done differently.
  9. DraTs

    DraTs Regular member

    Jun 24, 2003
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    Damn, what thread was I reading today that tablet said something else that was totally off the wall.. hmm oh well, I can't remember. Anyhow, stuff like this is usually why I don't bother to post much in forums. Usually only register so I can read. What I find funny is how many times tablet has been warned, and told to verify what he says before he says it, etc... and yet it continues.

    Now that being said, I dont know if tablet is doing the stuff intentionally, or if he is just spouting back everything he is reading. Until that can actually be figured out, its hard to say if he deserves a perma-ban.

    Hmm, come to think of it, I really havent said anything here.
  10. dazila

    dazila Regular member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    He is complaining,and actually you said you have no control well if that is true wwhihc I doubt then no one would come here because the site wouldnt be made how visitors like it instead how the operators do there are about 10 operators or less and there is about well a few good ten thousands of us "Members" 10 vs 100,000 if the 10 people always do it there way then the 100,000 people might be down to about 20 or so,so I think he has the right to say something.
    Man I felt bad after that and I did try talking but I got told you had too many warnings already when i said that was harsh??
    So sorry! I hope you accept it?
    Anyway maybe now you can talk and maybe get your old account back because I dont see you doing something that bad.
    Dont Listen to him this is what cause the trouble in the first place if you dont like his comments dont read them he might have straightened out after the Suspension if he is acting dumb why should you.And yes his info is 80% of the time false.
  11. bhetrick

    bhetrick Active member

    Aug 14, 2003
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  12. DraTs

    DraTs Regular member

    Jun 24, 2003
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  13. Faluke

    Faluke Member

    Feb 21, 2007
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    Thanks Daz. No hard feelings. I don't think they're going to re-instate my old account. No worries though.
  14. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    did you pm site admin? moved to safety valve
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2007
  15. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Well, I can't voice an opinion as I know nothing about the situation but it's a rare pleasure to read something that well written Faluke.
  16. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    For clarity, complaints like this go to where they are handled by our PR person.

    I, too, don't have a clue what this is all about but I'll pass the link on. Everybody try to keep civil though, remember you are posting publicly here.

    I think the reply by Auslander was simply aimed at the thread title, which is a bit unnecessary and since we actually get quite a lot of negative threads and accusations thrown at us, I think a thread title like that looks very offending to a regular user and especially administration - but I also believe reading the first post its not really a shot at aD, more just a personal problem, that being said, it did seem like a bit too angry for a reply ;-)

    But ye, email support, you might have to wait a few days for a reply though since the weekend is approaching.
  17. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Apparently this is in regards to this thread,

    And I stand by my decision. First off saying "I doubt that you’ll even let the post exist after you read it first." is patently wrong and goes to show that not only do you not know me very well but that you're quite comfortable making assumptions about me.

    I am too. Day after day I see high ranking members breaking rules right and left. It never used to be that way and there's no excuse for it.

    There were.

    That one was given to tabletpc for his personal attack against carbon14 thusly establishing that personl attacks would not be tolerated. If it was me and given that it was the very first outburst in the thread he'd have gotten a month from me.

    This was in response to zincy's comment that a week was too short and it reinforces the fact that ddp was not kidding about following the rules.

    A few posts down dazilla makes the comment that zincy was rude for having popped into that thread late for the sole reason of making a negative personal comment towards tabletpc to which you replied,

    You were rude to dazilla who'd made a legitimate observation and had done nothing to you then you go on to claim that instead of showing some class and self control by passing on to another thread it's alright, even expected, to make rude comments to anyone you don't agree with, especially tabletpc.

    Noone puts a gun to anyone's head making them take the time to bash another member because they don't agree with the information being posted. It's a conscious and very childish decision on their own part to do so.

    In the very next post after your rude comment to dazilla ddp posted this,

    For the third time it is established that these type of comments will not be tolerated and if you think that all these warnings were for everyone but you you need a reality check.

    Now, all the while the rest of this is going on and after Ravenlife declined to do so stating that it was against forum rules you're giving open advice in a cutesy, code-like and very off topic manner to a fellow that asked how to obtain pirated material. dazilla made a comment about how your otherwise off topic posts about movies needed to take place in the Saftey Valve to which you very rudely posted this,

    My advice to you is to get off your high horse, suck it up and face the fact that you were right in the middle of things being rude and breaking rules like others in that thread. Despite three general warnings by ddp the situation was being carried on by you and you got nailed for it. The world is still turning, the sun still rises and sets and here you are posting on AD again so if you want to stay get over it. 75% of our serious problems and offensive post reports come from the console forums which is why our zero tolerance policy gives us the ability to make examples if we need to. I'm not thrilled at making examples but when folks aren't listening to us its gonna happen.

    Now stop and consider that this big jerk of a mod took just over an hour out of his personal time to respond to someone who at this point he don't much care for but deserves an honest answer. Now I'm off to take care of all the pm's and updated threads which would otherwise already be done and right now I'd being in the garage relaxing at my loading bench rolling up a batch of .44 Magnums instead of just now starting my pm's and threads.

    *edited for spelling and clarity.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2007
  18. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    neph, no 50 calibers???
  19. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Too much money. The Smith & Wesson 500 Mag is a hellacious cartridge and I'd love to load for it but bullets and brass cost an arm and a leg and it eats powder like britney snorts coke.
  20. DraTs

    DraTs Regular member

    Jun 24, 2003
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    I dont mean to tell you guys how to do your jobs, but, despite the goings on with faluke, something does need to be done about members who continuously give false or incorrect information even after being corrected many times. While most older members know better than to believe the people, new members do not. So, you have new members going out and buying expensive programs because certain people claim that only Nero can burn Iso's, but not just any nero, only the newest version 7 with all the available updates! I just wonder what happens they start giving out advice soldering... "Those chips do nothing there, you can go ahead and remove them" Newbie: "Okie! Hmm, hey my system won't work anymore?" "Do you use memorex disks? They suck!" Newbie: "??????"

    Then newbie has to run out and buy a new system. Furthermore, in faluke's defense, I believe the member he has the biggest problem with, is still posting in faluke's threads just to taunt him, and to probably try to get faluke to go off again, and end up getting banned. For instance, there is a thread where faluke is talking about that he uses ridata disks, and that his cyclowiz stopped working, and that there is no need for a certain member, who constantly gives false information, to post. Next up, you have that member posting "do you use memorex media, cuz it sucks!" Or something to that extent. So that just shows that either that member is trying to taunt faluke, or that the member gives people advice without even reading what their problem is.

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