comp not shutting down

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by ruffled, Jan 10, 2003.

  1. ruffled

    ruffled Guest

    Hi,dont know if Im in the right part!when I right click on start button and choose shutdown ,windows closes and then a black screen with orange writing (says--your computer is now safe to turn off?)appears,thats where my probs begin,it either freezes there and makes orange stripes or goes past that really quick and then freezes,pressing esc does nothing and I cant even turn off using the on/off button on comp I have to turn the power off at the power point.Please can anyone help?Thanks in advance
  2. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    This sounds like a problem with windows getting the final step finished which is obviously cutting the power. It's a strange but not new problem, mine did that for a while and my fix was to reinstall windows. WinXP Pro gives a lot less of these problems so maybe you should try that!
  3. jnihil

    jnihil Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 23, 2001
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    I had that problem when ACPI wasn't installed properly, or there is some conflict. Consult your motherboard manual and set the BIOS right. You may also need to correct the o/s (reinstall?) as well.
  4. ruffled

    ruffled Guest

    Thanks for your help,I took the easy way out and installed XP(was using ME)it seems to give me less hassles!!!Thanks again.
  5. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    eewwww ME??? Do i look surprised??? My comp came with ME and nothing but trouble came with it. Then XP Home, and nothing buit trouble there either so I moved onto WinXP Pro and no trouble!!
  6. ruffled

    ruffled Guest

    LOL,XP definetely outweighs ME,which is also what came with my comp,but it still would be interesting to know why it does it on ME and not the PRO,no trouble at all shutting down with that,altho it is actually slower booting up and shutting down than ME(is why i thought I'd give ME another chance,hmph,wont do that again,lol).
  7. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    lol, b'sodes 95, ME is probably the worst windows!
  8. Frostbite

    Frostbite Member

    Dec 25, 2002
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    I don't think there's anything wrong with your comp, as previously mentioned u either installed with acpi swithced off in the bios or u have a problem with acpi.When your comp says "it's now safe to turn off" simply hold the power button in for about 5 secs, your computer will switch off.

  9. ruffled

    ruffled Guest

    To Frosty Thankyou,Thankyou,Thankyou,I installed ME just to see if your advice would work and it did!!!Now I'm passing this on to other ppl who have the same prob.Thanks again,your'e brilliant!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2003
  10. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    holy crap!!! thats the first time i've ever seen anyone actually recommend ME!!!! And then to have it work and someone be happy to have it1?!?! wOW, wonders never cease!! you might be running ok now on ME, but i'm sure we'll see you in a few weeks though LOL
  11. ruffled

    ruffled Guest

    lmao@ Darthnip,it didnt even last that long!!I need to be able to have it on my comp, if and when anything goes wrong for warranty purposes,so if I have to have it on I wanna be able to use the damn thing lol,and I do know people who are actually still using ME, daily!(imagine that,lol)so all tips still come in handy,Thanks.

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