comp screen goes black

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by bkim, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. bkim

    bkim Member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    I have a Dell Dimension 5100 (runs Windows XP Media Center Edition), which came with a Radeon X300 graphics card. I thought I needed a better video card to play comp games with, so I bought a Radeon X1600 and installed it myself. Most of the times, my comp is fine, but every once in a while the screen will show small green dots that sort of flicker and the screen will go black. All the wires are plugged in, the monitor is still turned on but is just black. Other programs will continue to run. e.g. I will be playing music on iTunes, the screen will black out, but music will still be playing. Any ideas on what's wrong? Maybe I installed the video card wrong?
  2. bkim

    bkim Member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    to add more information, moving the mouse or pressing a button on the keyboard will not turn the screen back as it will when in screensaver mode. I have to always restart my computer when the screen blacks out.
  3. kateman

    kateman Regular member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    well there is your problem. you installed it yourself.

    which sounds like to me you dont understand about the chipc very well. i'd say your chip hasn't been cooled down properly and is now fried. yes it will work for a little while when you turn it on, but not long. dont do any more damage to your computer. change the chip to the old one NOW!

    that your chip is fried.
  4. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    I don't believe it's fried.. Have you checked that the cooling fan is running, and not obstructed by cables or other cards?

    Test it's seated properly in the slot and fitted comfortable in the case..not under stress and wedged in. If you have to losen the mobo screws to ease things a little then do so.

    It's possible that the card is faulty from new, but first check that you are running the proper drivers for it. The shop you got it from should be able to test it for you for free, and if it's still under warranty they should replace it if it turns out to be faulty.

    Finally does your mobo actually support the agp bus voltage used by this card? Most these days are 1.5v but there are some that run on's often possible to change the setting in the bios if your mobo supports both voltages.
  5. bkim

    bkim Member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    thanks guys I got the problem. The card wasn't properly in the slot.

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