I'm planning on builing a new computer for myself and i'm trying to do some research. I'm not too familiar in this area but i do know my fair share about computer hardware. I just wanted to know if an ASUS P5GDC-V Deluxe Mobo would be compatible with an EVGA nVIDIA GeForce 6800 Graphics Card. The card says it needs either a 4X or 8X AGP Slot, but no where in the specs of the mobo can i find if it's compliant or not. If these 2 are not compatible i am willing to change the mobo, so if there is any suggestions i am open to them. Please keep in mind i'm on a budget and can't spend TOO much on these parts.
Hey Here are the specs on that board. Click Specifications for more details. http://usa.asus.com/products/mb/socket775/p5gdc-v-d/overview.htm You have PCI-E x16 graphics slot so no the card is not compatable but this is a very good board.
Shoot, well i guess i'll for sure have to look for another one. I was looking at the DFI LanParty PRO875B Mobo, lots of extras and has an AGP slot so i think i'll get this one. Still compatible with P4 with HT Tech.
Hey If you want to stick with Asus you can get this..... http://usa.asus.com/prog/spec.asp?m=P4C800-E Deluxe&langs=09# Same chipset/same features and there is a three year warrenty.
Thanks for all the info, but i decided to get the DFI LanParty mobo. I have another question/dillema though, i want to get a GeForce 6800 graphics card, but i don't know whether i want to get the 6800 or the 6800GT. Each one looks great, but i don't know if i should save up a bit more and get the GT or settle with the 6800. Oh and i'm getting the prices from newegg.com, if anyone knows of a site or place that i can get them cheaper please let me know.
what are you going to use pc for, gaming, video editing or what. what is difference between the 2 cards without me looking for them
The two cards have a small performance difference unless you're a super gamer and jack up the resolution to 1600x1200 and run it with AA/AF maxed. If you do like running games with those insane settings, you should really get the 6800GT. If you run in say... 1024x768 with no or very little AA/AF i'd just get the 6800. In most benchmarks with lower resoltutions and the AA/AF turned down the 6800 is only a few FPS behind the 6800GT
Cool thanks. I play games mostly, Farcry, Doom 3 are the major graphics killers. But i play WoW a majority of the time and that game is pretty graphics intense for a MMORPG, i get about 20FPS at the MOST on my Ti4600, i run it at 1280x1024, no AA or AF since it can't really handle it. I think i'll just get the 6800 card then. Thanks for the input. http://www.newegg.com/app/viewProductDesc.asp?description=14-130-202&depa=1 http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=14-130-203&depa=1 These are the 2 cards and their differences.
Wow, you should get honestly like a 400% increase on the old Ti series. My 9700 dominated that series and that was what? 2... 3 years ago?