dont you just hate people who complain about it when the active volcano they chose to live on blows up, and when they complain that they lost all there possesions to a river that floods every year and they chose to live by. you get my meaning. i just dont see how they have a right to complain when they live in these places by choice. Also when people complain to the government about soldiers getting killed. getting killed is a risk you take and willingly accept when you join an army if you dont want to get shot or die some other horrid death then get a desk job.
Back in WW I & II most men were exoected to join the army. You had 15 and 16 yr olds fighting for their country when the minimum age was like 17 or 18. But nowadays you do take a risk of dying when you sign up.
Although I see your point and accept it, you have opened yourself up to comments like '.....would you like cheese with your whine.' The fact is that you are guilty of that that which your abhor. So I could be a cynic and complain about the fact that you're complaining about others whose complaints you think are ludicrous. But I won't, because that's not who I am. Bear in mind that for some servicemen/women enlisting was not their ideal choice but because of a family tradition, economic or other reasons they were 'forced' or felt obligated to do so. Hence they avail themselves of the right to complain which I think is understandable. As for those who live in natural disaster prone areas, I agree that it seems senseless, but if that is the parcel of land that you own, and you are unemployed or receiving minimum wage and exist at or below the poverty line then what choice do you have to move to another area especially if you have kids in school, and you are not educated or highly skilled which precludes you being in demand in the job market. I scarely think that if such a person had the capability that he/she would not reside elsewhere. I know that it sounds extreme and remote but this is the reality that many face moreso in under developed countries, but also in developed countries. There's a saying which goes like this, 'One man's miserable life, is another man's life in technicolor. I don't disagree with you, but there's a whole bunch of disenfranchised people who unfortunately are 'forced' to complain and as ludicrous as it seems, do have a legitimate right to do so. Just food for thought.