I've got some music files in .wav format that are really large. Some are 45mb to 75mb. I just wondered if someone new what I could use to compress them to smaller files and no quality loss and is free! I know I can convert them to .mp3 which makes a smaller file but I'd like to stay with .wav if it's possible.
When you say "No quality loss", you want to use something like Monkey's Audio. This will create an .ape file. You can find plugins for your various media players in order to play an .ape file. When i use it I get a compressed file that's usallly between 48% to 58% of the original. It does it in a lossless manor & keeps the integrity of the original file. Meaning, you can always revert your files without loss of quality. You can go here & check it out. They have a Beta version that I haven't tried yet. You can find version 3.99 on they're download page. http://www.monkeysaudio.com/index.html
you cannot compress wave files to make them smaller, but as digidave mentioned, you can convert them to a "lossless" compressed file format, such as monkey's audio. Another lossless format that I like that is gaining a lot of popularity is called FLAC. A great free audio converter program is called dBPowerAMP. You can find the link to their website in my sig below. Be sure to go to their codec page, and download and install the FLAC or other codec you want to convert the wave files to...
All iPods and iTunes are compatible with the Apple-Lossless audio format. Micro$oft makes a lossless version of the Windows Media Audio 9 format called WMA9-Lossless but it hasn't found alot of support with many portable audio players (non-iPod). Personally I use the Apple-Lossless format because I have an iPod but I think the WMA9-Lossless format sounds the best! Apple Lossless... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Lossless dBpowerAMP plug-in: http://www.dbpoweramp.com/codec-central-mp4.htm Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless... http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/forpros/codecs/audio.aspx#WindowsMediaAudio9Lossless dBpowerAMP plug-in: http://www.dbpoweramp.com/codec-central-wma.htm Both lossless encoders are free, Ced