Hi, I'm trying to compress a large file (around 350 MB .avi format) into a smaller file (around 80 MB .avi format) with VirtualDub. I followed an online tutorial for setting up VirtualDub that told me to do the following (the below steps are the exact steps in the tutorial): First, I downloaded [bold]VirtualDub[/bold]. Then I downloaded [bold]DivX 5.2.1[/bold] and then I downloaded [bold]MPEG Layer-3 Audio V4.2[/bold]. With those installed, I opened up VirtualDub, opened up the file I wanted to compress, and clicked "OK" when an "VBR audio stream detected" error came up. I clicked on Audio/Compression (after making sure my settings were on Source Audio and Full Processing Mode), then chose MPEG Layer-3, then chose 56 kBit/s, 24,000 Hertz, Stereo, 7 KB/s. Then Video/Full Processing Mode, then Video/Filters/Add/Resize, and I changed the settings in the Resize values to be: New Width: 312 New Height: 176 Filter Mode: Bilinear Then Video/Compression. I then chose DivX 5.2.1 Codec, and then pushed Configure. Once in Configure, I changed the settings to: Encode Performance: Standard Bitrate: 196 (kbps) Encode Mode: 1-pass Then File/Save as .avi and that's where my problem occurs. I receive the following as a pop-up error: "No audio decompressor could be found to decompress the source audio format. (source format tag: 0055)" I've googled this phrase and spent quite a while reading various threads. Pretty much all of the threads I found deal with cutting video, not compressing video, so I wanted to know if there's anyone out there who can help with this error in compressing the video. Huge thanks in advance. Amanda
0055 is mp3 and windows comes with an mp3 decoder. Perhaps installing "MPEG Layer-3 Audio V4.2" screwed it up?
I just uninstalled it (it was part of the Nimo Codec Pack from here: http://www.free-codecs.com/download/Nimo_Codec_Pack.htm ; I don't know if that makes a difference) and tried VirtualDub again, but I still got the same error. Thanks for your help. Amanda
Errrr, codec packs. I really wouldn't recommend installing any codec packs. Also the uninstalls don't always work.