Compressing Mp3

Discussion in 'Audio' started by Blainy, Jun 30, 2004.

  1. Blainy

    Blainy Member

    Jun 30, 2004
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    I apologise if this has already been asked but i did all the searches and came up with nothing. I want to compress my Mp3s so i can fit more on my mp3 player, is it possible, if so how should i go about it? Any help would be appreciated. thanx
  2. shiroh

    shiroh Guest

  3. Blainy

    Blainy Member

    Jun 30, 2004
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    thanx for the reply, Yeah i didnt quite get that? im new to all this, you might have to explain it a bit more, that would be great. thanx.
  4. shiroh

    shiroh Guest

    on that thread, we discussed about a dude trying to get his mp3 converting it into wma, mp3 and wma is a lossy compression technique, it throws out data that you can't hear to make it smaller.

    when your source is mp3, thats already been compressed (the data thrown out), and then you compressed it again, the encoder will throw out more data, even at the same bitrate or even higher. so the result will be horrendously unbearably bad audio.

    but if you don't have any depends on your ears. do some listening test, if its good enough for you, its good enough for me. (not the audio that is)
  5. Blainy

    Blainy Member

    Jun 30, 2004
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    Thanks, thats really helpful. but its not the news i wanted to hear, when i bought my mp3 player the guy told me that i could fit about 8 cds on it, its 256 mb. but i can only fit about 45 songs on it, thats why i thought you could compress it more. oh well ill just have to put up with it, thanks again for your responses.
  6. houdini02

    houdini02 Member

    Jul 31, 2004
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    my msi mega stick 256 at present has 25 wma files on which takes up 55 mb (64kbps 44khtz)but also held 25 at (128 kbps) which took up 105 mb, suggestion lower your conversion rate for mp3 or wma might take sum experimenting to find whats audio acceptable to your ears.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2004
  7. shiroh

    shiroh Guest

    lets say an average album holds 11 tracks. times by 8. that would be 88 songs. that would be 2.9 MB per song (not including the length)
    that would be about the 128kbps quality (usually a MB a minute)
    he didn't lied, but just talking on a different point of reference, relativity. :)

    256 is enough for me, even for an extreme alt preset encoding. depends on your habit, mine is listens to the same song over and over until i got tired, which will last for weeks.

    nomad muvo from creative have a bigger capacity, 1.5 or 4 GB, it uses the microdrive, which can be rip out and use on a camera, if you need a 4GB microdrive buy this, its cheaper.

    really wants an ogg player, cheap one
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Codec packs are evil[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2004

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