My freind gave me a cd with like 220 songs on it and I can't figure out how they put that many songs on 1 regular cd-r. Any ideas? Someone gave it to him and he lost contact with him. Tks....
A normal CD is 700mb's. So in order to fit 220 songs on it they would have to average 3.18mb's. That is probably a bit-rate of 64kb/s, very low quality. Which may or may not bother you. I would go for less music at a higher quality, but that's just my opinion.
Ok, I found the cd and it has 298 tracks on it, the files are mp3 format and are 1mb to 5mb in size. When you open the disk it is separated into folders by artist and then sub folders labled by albums. This cd is only 680mb. The Quality is good enough for me, I can't tell to much of a difference. How did they do it????? Tks....
I know that it is a mp3 cd. My Question is how did they compress or shrink the mp3's down to 1mb-4mb songs? Tks......
5 megs is an average size of an MP3 file. Also depends on the length and quality of the file. Files which aren;t that long in length and have average quality are less in size compared to files which are long in length and have good ecent quality.
most songs are 1.5mb on this cd. I sounds pretty good to me. How do you take a 5mb song and make it 1mb? tks....
You can compress it but that would result in quality being lost. Do you know what Bit Rate the songs are?
here is the info, This is the average for most of the songs. Some were 96kbit Size: 2411585 bytes Header found at: 8192 bytes Length: 300 seconds MPEG 2.0 layer 3 64kbit, 11554 frames 22050Hz Joint Stereo CRCs: No Copyrighted: No Original: Yes Emphasis: None