I got a question on why my computer freezes when i convert avi to dvd. First of all before i get into the problem i'll tell what i got as far as softerware and hardware. Win xp sp-2 , 1 gig memory , 160 hard drive space , canopus procoder , tmpegenc , premere pro latest version , all the latest codecs , geforce 400 video card. The problem seems to be when i convert 29 fps. avi. 29 fps. mpeg-2 or dvd. i can convert 23.976 fps. avi. to 29 fps. dvd useing 3:2 pulldown and it useally makes all the way through. Iv'e ruled out the programs because it does it in procoder,tmpegenc, and premere. Iv'e ruled out codecs because there all the newest ones and i have the same ones on my other computer and it works fine. my memory is fine and procssor too. the only thing i can think of is my video card. witch brings me to a nother question. Does converting video files realy on the video card or is a video card made just to show video on your screen. after all avi to dvd is nothing more than data being converted to other data. where would the video card come in to play other than showing you the encoding process in i little preview window. ANYWAYS when my pc freezes , that's it everything stops and you can't even move the mouse pointer. I basically have pull the power. But yet it does actually start to convert. In fact somtimes i'll let it run for a min. to 2 and stop it and check the resaulting converted file to see if it is good. and it is but if i let it keep going. somwhere around 25% to 60% it will just freeze up. and it will do that in all the video converting programs i have. Let me here it if you have a idea of what it could be. THANX MUCH..
VSO converts avis into dvd compliant format (i.e. with Audio_TS and Video_TS folders), ready for burning. So if your computer freezes while using one program, might as well try another method first to test where the problem lies.
I think you didn't read any thing in my first post or you would read that i allready tried that i've used at least 3 differnt programs. and also i would like to use the ones i have.