Can some one please help. Coz when i am downloading using the Torrents ,it hangs within a few hours. It won't hang when i disable or not using the torrent programme. I have upgraded the RAM above 512 since. But no help. Plz HELP.Thanks
Not the answer you're looking for.....but when things like this happen to me, I just don't use the program doing it. Torrents can open up a ton of ports....use up more bandwidth then you think they do...and system resources. You already summed it up yourself. Performance = No Torrent use, Torrent use = No performance.
Well i ve use Azerus , Bit Commet ,and U Torrent. Its the same.In the begining its not like this. U think re install the XP would help? Oh! i ve also change the mother board too. Coz the old one failed. Thanks Morph.
I don't use torrents, so I'm really taking a wild guess here. You might try setting your options in the programs to limit how it runs. If you've replaced the motherboard, a fresh installation is the best way to go. Install XP (SP2 slipstreamed is the best), chipset, directx, video, sound, other devices, firewall, MS that order. Then proceed with software apps.
if you dont limit your upload speed somehow and it max's out it will make your broadband run like dial up....if you use utorrent or azureus you can limit upload speed in the preferences. edit: sorry i didnt see how old this thread was, glad you got it sorted out.