Hi. I have a windows Xp Professional Edition and my brother dropped my computer while carrying it. Well everything seems ok except that the hard drive doesnt work. It makes this clicking sound now. I was wondering if I buy another hard drive, would my computer work? Would I have to install Windows XP Again? I only have the Windows XP CD Intstaller. So if anybody knows anything that is helpful please tell me. Thanx alot.
Hey I just bought a NEW MAXTOR Ultra Series 160GB Hard Drive ATA133 160 HD, is this good? Was it a good idea to buy this? I got it on ebay.
hd is good so now install it so can load xp & all other programs as possible you lost all info off old hd
Hey I finally received the Hard Drive. Well I have never installed a Hard Drive before. I read the instructions. I think you're suppose to plug it in and then set up the BIOS the thats it. Am I correct? Can anybody help please???
make certain the power cord is disconnected from the computer. set the jumper to master or single depending if another drive is present on same ide cable. pin1 of the data cable is closes to the hd power connector. plug in the hd power connector. use the proper screws(4x) to mount the drive to the drive bay. reconnect the power cable to the computer & power it up. press del button to go to cmos setup. see if the bios sees the hd, if does than get out of the cmos. if not that check motherboard manual to see what to do to get hd seen. boot off your winxp so can partition & format the drive for windows
Hey I put the NEW MAXTOR Ultra Series 160GB Hard Drive ATA133 160 HardDrive into my computer. I plugged the ATA Interface Cable from the Hard Drive to the motherboard. I set the jumper to MASTER. Then I turned on my computer. Then my computer just freeze at the beginning when it starts to load. Then I put the jumper to SLAVE. Then it loaded and I pressed DEL and drive to auto-detect my Hard drive but there was nothing. My MOTHERBOARD manual just says the it should auto-detect my hard drive. What if the Hard Drive isn't getting any power? It's Hard to tell. Is my Hard Drive suppose to light up and the bottom when it gets power? I put my fingers on it but i felt no vibration. I put my hear by it but hear no sound. I tried setting the jumper to SLAVE, MASTER, CABLE SELECT but I still didn't feel any vibration or see any light at the bottom of the Hard Drive. Well I have nothing to say exept HELP PLEASE!!!
Did you plug the power cable in? You should have two cables plugged into your Hard Drive.. IDE Cable - Flat grey cable with three connectors on it and Power cable - Yellow, Black, Red wires w/plastic plug. Set the drive to master Put the drive on the end of your IDE Cable Make sure the other end of the IDE cable is plugged into the "IDE 0" slot on the motherboard. You will have to go into your BIOS and have it recognize your new drive. They are all a little different but you should see a message on the screen something to the effect of "hit F2 or del" to enter setup" Check your documentation for the PC it will tell you how to do this.. If you cant figure it out let us know what brand/model of mother board you have.. Cheers
Yes I Plugged the cable. My motherboard have two pluggs. IDE 1 AND IDE 2. I checked my mohterboard manual and it said to plug the Hard Drive to IDE 1. I plugged the power wire to the Hard Drive also. (Yellow,Black,Red wires). I se the drive to MASTER. I turn on my computer and all it it said was: Phoenix-Award BIOS V6.00PG, An Energy Star Ally Copyright (C) 1984-20022, Phoenix Technologies, LTD K7VTA3 V6.0A 09/22/2003 Main Processor : AMD Athlon (tm) XP 1250 MHZ Memory Testing : 262144K OK After it displayed that, it froze. I tried pressing DEL on the keyboard and every other key but nothing happened. Well what now?
Yes it is. It is colored blue AND at the end of the IDE cable connected to the motherboard IDE 1, is also blue. so im sure that i connected my Hard Drive to the right place.
Hey take a look at this http://www.ecsusa.com/products/k7vta3_5.html Look at the bottom of the page, it will show a motherboard. well my motherboard is similar to that. At the RIGHT side of the motherboard next to the DDR-MEMORY SLOTS, you will see a place to plug your hard drive or cd-rom. One spot is blue and the other is black. I plugged my Hard Drive to the blue one.
The Wire that connects the Hard Drive to the MOTHERBOARD is gray. There are 3 SLOTS on the wire, (blue, gray, black.
Your not understanding maybe this will help. Red, Black, Blue, green it dosent matter but there should be one colored wire there..