Yea so I had a problem wih windoes xp pro, so i reinstalled it. When I did so I chose not to format the hdd, to leave the files untouched. It took care of my problem and the files were untouched, BUT the files I had on my desktop (I forgot to put them in the c drive) are now gone. They were a hell lot of gigs of stuff and when I go to check how much space is on my c drive, it shows that only 2 gigs are left meaning those files are somewhere in the compter. I tried search and when i try to go to C:\Documents and Settings, it's not there. Please help, those were a LOT of files. Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated.
as far as i know, all the data in the "Documents and Settings" is deleted every time you reinstall windows. it happened to me the first time i reinstalled it, lost everything in my documents folder (and there was alot of stuff in it)