i recently built my own computer and im still working the bugs out of it... every once in a while when im workin on my computer a little bit it will just shut down.... for no reason......could this be a memory problem or something??? any help is greatly accepted.....
First thing you'll probably want to check into...is that everything you put in there was seated correctly. Make sure you used only a single drop of heatsink paste on the core of the CPU so it isn't spilling out over the top of the core. Reseat all your cables and memory sticks as well as the video card. Last but certainly not least, make sure the power supply you have is more then adequate to run the system.
i only used one drop of paste for the heatsink.... and the power supply is a 500w and ive disconnect and reconnected wires connected to the hard drive..... still have the same problem
not knowing your system..i can only ask if you tried clearing your CMOS, and if your Mbrd has an LED diag ..and a referance in your Mbrd manual.. also..check your bios for CPU temp levels for system shutdown..and get a prog like speed fan to check your CPU temps/ also with speed fan there is an HD anylizer tool http://www.almico.com/sfdownload.php
i checked bios system temp settings and the system shutdown was disabled..... it said 70% fan at 50 degrees 85%fan at 60 degrees and 100% fan at 70 degrees but the cmos thing and LED diag im not sure what you mean...
CMOS is an onboard semi-conductor chip that stores Bios settings...for example..if you change your system Bios configurations/ RAM timings, overclocking, system temp shutdown, ect..and you end up screwing up your system..you can clear your CMOS ..and that restores your Bios settings to it's default state. Most newer Mbrds have what is called LED diagnostic...mine has it.. it's an LED on the Mbrd that displays a letter/number.. that you cross referance with your Mbrd manual to translate the problem info so you can identify the problem. if you have LED diag. after your PC shuts down..your led would display a code letter, or number to identify the problem.. this link may give you some info on CMOS http://www.dewassoc.com/support/bios/bios_password.htm good luck with that problem..could be the PSU also..?? on the link page..scroll down to motherboard jumpers and that displays an example of how to clear CMOS
no i dont have a LED diagnostic...... and i guess it is a possibility that there is something wrong with my PSU.....but i have no idea on how to check....
You can bring the PSU to a comp repair shop and have them run a test on it....but if you have another you can use, try that.
ive got a computer guy friend who is gonna take a look at my pc and see what the problem is..... hopefully he can find out what the problem is and fix it
ok so he couldnt fix it..... but i did narrow the problem down to what the it is..... immediately when it turned itself off i took it apart and looked to see what the problem was.... it smelled really hot!!! before it shut down i had speedfan running and it said my cpu was running at 55 C which is way to hot.... so i felt the heatsink and it almost burned my hand off!!! what could cause this??? how can i fix it????
Simple. The CPU heatsink will have a little fan on it. Is it turning? At what speed? Most important dust and junk likes to collect inside the fins of the heatsink. Your going to have to look real close and if there is your going to have to clean it out even if it means taking off the fan first. Also check you intake and output vent holes in the front and back of the case. They have to be open. It will be very hard to see blockage in the front vent holes so you may have to take the case front panel off first. UNPLUG the computer before doing any of this AND I MEAN UNPLUG IT, not just turn it off. After thinking about this and because it's a new setup make sure all the fans are running. On board, power supply, and the case fans.
yeah they definitly are running....i have 3 or 4 different fans in there and they all work.... it was a little crappy in the heat sink but not real bad....
well i just blew the heatsink off with an air compressor.....and it still restarted on me..... i also cleaned the heatsink and the cpu off and put some fresh grease on it....it helped a little bit....the temperature definitly went down....but it still restarts itself.... so now im trying new things...i took out a video card and it seems to be working fine now with the onboard graphics..... everything is nice and cool...hasnt restarted yet.... (yet)
Progress Does that video card have a fan? Some of those new cards make alot of heat. You may need to change or add a new sink / fan on the video card.
ok...i put the video card back in with a pci slot fan right on it... and that seems to be working well... so i took the cover off and im blowing a portable fan right into it....haha and its working pretty good.... speedfan says its at 36...
Cooling a new fast computer is a science. They pack alot of power in a very small space and heat is a killer. Im glad it's working for you. Best of luck with the new system.
haha...im gonna have to figure out how to put a computer fan in there instead of my noisy plug in fan....