Computer Powering down randomly....

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by .X., Jun 11, 2003.

  1. .X.

    .X. Member

    Mar 7, 2003
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    Hello, it's been awhile since I've taken a digital visit here to afterdawn, but I'm really stumped and if there is anyone out there who could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Let's get the specs out of the way first, then I will explain the problem as best I can.

    Shuttle KT400 (AK37) Mobo
    512 DDR RAM
    Althon XP 1800
    Radeon 9000 Pro
    LG CD-Rom
    LG Writer
    Macron Power Model : MPT-301 (300 W MAX)

    I'm running an Arkua fan on my CPU, my power leds and etc "are", I repeat are hooked up properly, etc.
    Also I am running Win XP Pro for my OS.

    Now here's the problem. "Totally" random power downs. My system (not monitor or speakers) completely goes BRRRrrr and shuts right off. Sometimes 3 seconds after powering on, sometimes 5 minutes, and then sometimes I can be running it for a full bloody week before it decides to shut off, for what I can tell, no reason whatsoever.

    Everything regarding my comp (speaker plug, monitor plug and system plug) are plugged into a nice and basically brand new power bar.

    When it shuts down, I have to flick the main power switch in the back, wait a second, flick it back, and then try powering up again. Like I said it's totally random and doesn't appear to follow a pattern in the slightest.

    And My CPU is NOT overheating, nor is my mobo. All temps are running just fine.

    I am SO frustrated and stumped. I am down to the only plausible explanation I can think power supply is a piece of crap? Or perhaps I have too many things for it too handle? Do I need a better one? 400W perhaps?

    If anyone could help me out in any way it would be superly appreciated!!
  2. tagreen56

    tagreen56 Guest

    I am having the exact same problem that you have had. I have replaced absolutely everything except the 2 hard drives. I have a new HD on order now from newegg. I'm hoping that solves it. Let me know what you've tried.

    Todd Green
  3. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I have something similar, but only in Win98SE. How many hard drives do you have connected? The problem I was geting was when installing Win98SE with two Hard drives it would set the power saving feature to turn hard drive off after 30min as default and not let me change it. I need to only have one Hard drive connected, do full install and then will every thing all good I would connect the second hard drive. That worked. But that was only with Win98, WinXp I have no idea, but something worth trying.
  4. tagreen56

    tagreen56 Guest

    I am running Win XP, newly re-installed and everything. I have all those darn power options turned off, in cmos and in Windows. Still, the problem.
  5. Drew224

    Drew224 Regular member

    Apr 9, 2003
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    It sounds like it could be your power supply like you said. If you are going to buy a new one you might as well get a 400 watt.
  6. tagreen56

    tagreen56 Guest

    I have a new 400 watt power supply and it still shuts down. It also shut down on the last new 400 watt power supply I put in there....I don't think it's the power supply for me.
  7. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I found 1 program that caused this a lot for me and that was kazaa, also ZoneAlarm Pro used to do it when I tried to open Kazaa, dont know if that will help since u said it often p[owers down after 3 seconds, are you sure your fan is not dodgy??
  8. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Could it be faulty power (not from the power supply, but from the outlet)
  9. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Could be but this is a common problem for WinME and WinXP in face most ppl i know with either get the same problem and I dont think thast many ppl have their power management settings screwed lol!
  10. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    If your worried about your office, house or apartment power, A way to get an idea of how bad it is, is if you have a Belkin surge protecting power bar. Look at the light on the on off switch, it should not flicker very much. With other power bars this could just be the LED, but Belkin (well most) are good and give you an idea how "dirty" your wall power is.
    But I really don't think thats why it shuts off randomly. My guess is that its some softwere setting. Or and internal connections, see if you notice any loose wires or connections inside the computer._X_X_X_X_X_[small]I am not a number
    I am a Free Man[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2003
  11. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I think it is software too but that was a good idea there to check out anyway, the last thing u want is your hdd corrupted or anything!

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