This annoying graphic glitch/clip is really starting to bother me. I tried to just forget about it, but it's in every single game i play and its really ruining the experience for me. I first seen it while i was playing the FEAR demo, smoke coming out of the ground was instead giant white strips shooting up, also from a grenade throw instead of the cloudy after math, it was just greyish, brownish lines coming out from the explosion. Also with some of lights in the game the light would show, along with 5 white bars covering the light. Ok that was fine, then I put in indigo prophecy, and once again alot of the lighting in the game was instead put out into giant bars of white, and oh my god the in game snow also was like this, and it just looks crazy when instead of snow you get these white lines that over 90% of the screen. Alright then half-life 2, im trying to have "one of the greatest experiences ill have on my pc" and once again just about every light in game is covered by this hideous look. Also for all of the games i've tried the fonts were messed up also, sometimes its hard to read my health when lines are darting through it horizontally. God, even when I play Facade I get lines streaming across the apartment building. Maybe some of you have had this problem, or maybe some of you know how to solve it, I'm going to include pictures from in game for reference to you. Thanks Half life 2 - Lighting Indigo Prophecy - Font Indigo Prophecy - Snow (not for weak at heart) FEAR - Smoke effect Thanks for reading, and I hope you understand how this is really ruining my game experience and turning games atmospheres into junk. Thanks
what is the games specs & your computer specs?? is this a recent problem or going on for a while?? check for updated video driver & direct x. try the videocard on another computer to see if problem follows or not.
Alright.... The whole, install it into another computer things. Last week I ordered this online and tried it in my cousins machine. His computer is slightly slower then mine, but he wasn't getting these glitches in his games, and he was playing the same games that I was playing. Um about the drivers, alright I attempted to install them from the CD, just as my cousin had but the CD wouldnt run on my computer for some odd reason so i downloaded them off the nvidia site. nvidia 6600 1 gig ram running at 2.1 ghz
I'm also using the most recent video driver that has shot out at me. So if anyone can help, it'd be really great.
I heard from a reader that it may be the power source...I'm running a 300 watt right now. Has anyone else heard anything about this ?
does your videocard need a power connector from the psu?? try this program & add 30% to the total.
well my graphics card does require a power slot, or pci-e. but i just put in a 500 watt power supply that is giving me the same crappy effect as my 300 watt power supply, So I've kind of cancelled out the power supply being the problem....