I'm having trouble with a couple of software I have installed on my computer. DVD Shrink is not working right, after analyzing I try to back it up and as soon as it tries to the program shuts down. DVD FAB Decrypter (Free Version) doesn't seem to want to work either, it automatically reboots computer a few seconds into ripping the movie onto my hard drive. Any suggestions?
Hi, but by any chance is your computer using Vista. If so, that is the source of your problems. Xp works much better with no hiccups. Also update to DVDFabHDDecrypter at www.dvdfab.com goto free stuff.
Thanks, I'm using XP, but I'll take your advise and try and update DVDFAB first before trying anything else. Thanks again for the reply and I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for everyones help, I finally determined that it was one of my two dvd drives that was causing my computer to reboot. After replacing the drive everything is back to normal. Thanks again to everyone who replied.