Well, it's about the time for me to upgrade my dad's computer. he wants it moving at a decent pace before he goes back to schoool in about a month. currently, the computer is an old gateway compie running at about 900 MHz. only thing it really needs is a mobo/processor swap and some new fans (currently has NONE). my budget is around $250 USD. i can get the fans on my own, lol, but i'm hoping someone can check out my mobo/proc ideas and confirm they will work. here's the mobo: http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=13-131-478&depa=1 and here's the processor: http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=19-103-377&depa=1 think these will work? can i use the stock heatsink and thermal paste that come with it? is there anything else i really need? i appreciate all help. this is all to give me the comfidence to build my own from scratch, lol, and all posts are welcomed.
cant see anything wrong with that you could buy a 2500+ oem buy a aftermarket fan and oc it to 3200+ and spend xtra on some more ram or something like that
if the setup i listed will work, i'm goin with it then. i don't want to OC or do anything to my dad's computer, mainly because he knows nothing about them and i don't trust him with anything too complex. plus i want something that will run relatively cool on a small amount of fans because i don't think anyone will do maintenence on it once i move out.
Hey! If you going to step up to a faster machine you should seriosly condider purchasing a new case........ they are relatively cheap=$30+ with 300w power supply. If the case you have is a mid tower or better you should be ok, but if its a desktop buy/get a case with proper air circulation and an up to date power supply. GOOD LUCK ianski7
it's a desktop, but it's still a good case. a nice big one with plenty of room for stuff, and it will be easy to add fans to. it only has a 145 watt power supply, so i'm going to stick in an extra 200 watt i have lying around. it's not gonna do anything crazy. the 200 was powering way more than this will. thanks for the advice, but i think what i have planne will probably work fine.