Conflict Problem-answer not found in forum search.

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Srelov, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. Srelov

    Srelov Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    Please let me preface the problem by telling everyone who takes offence at questions being asked if they've been asked before, I checked the guides and did not find a solution, I searched the forums using MULTIPLE search criteria and still did not find a resolution. That said here's the issue.

    I'm transferring all my old video movies to dvd, some work some don't. here's why. I have the ATI all in wonder card and when the VHS has copyright signals encoded ATI software recognizes this and refuses to copy it to HDD.

    So, I get two other software packages, Sonic MYDVD and Nero Ultra 6 (nerovision express 2). Both of which claim they can capture video from the capture source, but both seem to conflict with the ATI capture device, the specific error I get from Nerovision express 2 is, "this device is already in use ......"

    The operating system is windows xp, I've tried installing and uninstalling various codecs but no luck. I've searched this forum multiple times and have hesitated to ask the question in the event it's been asked before simply because of everyone's apparent hatred of anyone who makes the mistake of asking a question that may have been asked some time in the past but I'm getting to the point of where I've no other choice.

    Please let me ask this of all who read this, If you've seen this question and are getting offensive at it being asked again, please don't respond. I'm not trying to tick anyone off and I'm not being lazy. I've avoided registering here due to the huffiness I've seen in some of the responses to some of the questions that were asked before but I'm drawing a blank both on this forum and other searches on the web.

    Those of you who aren't offended at this question and don't mind sharing any relavent knowledge or suggestions you may have I'd be grateful. I'm tired of trying "shareware" and "demoware" just to find that I need to buy it before I can try to get it to do what I want. I'm not made of money. I need a package that will definitely work no questions asked before I buy it so I can quit wasting money on products that aren't doing what I want.

    Thanks to any who can and will help with out taking offense at me breaking down and actually asking a question on here.

  2. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Hiya Srelov,

    Well, you bit the bullet and posted your question.

    You have done some research, and have given an indication of your results so far - a nicely worded and good spelling (always appreciated here !LOL!).
    Ah, there is the problem.

    ATI, being a good corporation/company, uphold and abide by the agreement whereby their drivers will NOT ALLOW copying of signals with MACROVISION enabled.

    Unfortunately it seems there are no macrovision protection disabled drivers for the Windows environment, all the Codecs/software will not work, as all capturing is done via the compliant Windows Driver....

    If you were running Linux there are drivers to allow that....

    There are a number of ways you can achieve what you want using Windows:

    1 - use a VCR that ignores the Macrovision signal (rare animals nowadays)

    2 - use a signal conditioning device between your VCR and the ATI card, the device will condition the video signal and REMOVE THE MACROVISION.
    For example:

    or if you are handy building circuits yourself:

    Hope this helps..

    Oh, and as Scubapete says, welcome to the forums...
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Life is just more of the same:[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2004
  3. Srelov

    Srelov Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    Thank you for your response. I will start researching these websites, and will research linux as well. I run a dual boot with redhat 9 linux flavor. If I cannot get the results I want from windows I'll see how I fair with Linux.

    Thank you again.

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