I regularly convert movies from DVD for my ipod - so I've got MANY movies available for my ipod. We're looking for a portable DVD Player for our 2 kids - they need something bigger than the iPod Screen. However, I don't want to drag DVDs around. While there are a few DVD players that integrate the iPod, they are a little pricey for us. However, some of the cheaper ones do have A/V inputs. I'm wondering if I can play a movie on my ipod and use those A/V inputs to feed the iPod movie to the portable DVD Player screen. I've read about connecting the iPod to a TV - using a camcorder-type a/v cable with a three-plug yellow/red/white RCA connection at one end and a three-banded eighth-inch (3.5mm) A/V plug at the other. You need to change the video settings and supposedly the iPod will run to the TV. There are great instructions at: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/mac/2005/11/18/video-ipod.html (Haven't tried it yet, but I'm assuming this works!). So, I'm wondering if I could use a similar camcorder-type cable to hook up the iPod to a portable DVD player with A/V inputs. Has anyone done this? What is needed? And does the portable DVD player need to accept certain types of files?
If you are going to use the portable DvD player to play movies from your iPod, then get something like a portable LCD screen. Or, if you insist upon getting a dvd player, then i can tell you that everything can be connected to anything with the right cables. Just make sure when you look for cable that you seek one that can be inserted on the ipod and at the same time has a A/V end. Another thing you must keep in mind is that not a lot of portable DvD players are going to accept playing files from another source other than a Dvd; make sure you get one that will play files from and external source!