connect irc by breaking firewall

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by hwrony, Sep 17, 2006.

  1. hwrony

    hwrony Guest

    I dont know whether i can find any answer or not but i just try fior help.
    My prob is , i cant connect irc b'Coz in my network there many port is blocked by admin. Thats why my irc cannot go through it. I have tried diff port but could not.

    So is there any1 face this prob and find solution plz help me.
    i need it badly.
  2. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    So you have no way to get admin and change settings in the router? Depending where you are, someone blocked those ports for a reason. If your at work its definentley a bad idea to change setting for a router. I don't really think is a way, but I'm sure a member named "the fiend" could help when he comes on, as another person had the same problems because of ports blocked from college.
  3. hwrony

    hwrony Guest

    thanx tocool...
    But dont worry Im just asking to know is there any way.

    Actually im a reguler irc chatter. And i love to chat in my country room. But some how from my isp block the port.

    By this way i also can know wats da prevention.

    Thats why I need to know.
    Thanx again..

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