Connecting Xbox to PC???

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Candoo, Dec 28, 2004.

  1. Candoo

    Candoo Member

    Dec 19, 2004
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    Ok ... this is something totally new to me. I don't even own an xbox, but I am computer suavy. A buddy of mine who does own an xbox has asked me to set his system up, so that he can connect his xbox to his puter, so he can back up his games. I have connected the 2 together using the proper net cable. I dl'd and installed Craxtion 4 on his puter. Now ... can someone pls guide me through step by step what I have to do to set up the network connection between the 2, so that they can communicate? If I use the MS network wizard, it is asking me for the ip, I presume for the xbox, which I have no idea. His xbox isn't the live version, but does have the network jack on it. Thanks in advance>
  2. BR7

    BR7 Regular member

    Oct 30, 2004
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    If he is using the evox dash, go to the settings, and scroll down. You will see the IP configuration. Make it static and assign it a private IP (since you are computer savy, you should know the range of private IPs). When done, scroll down to the bottom and save changes.

    You have to connect via FTP so use CuteFTP or simillar and connect using your assigned IP, user name and password are xbox, port 21. In my case, using CuteFTP, I have to make a PORT connection, not PASV, it won't connect using PASV.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2004
  3. Candoo

    Candoo Member

    Dec 19, 2004
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    K .. thanks BR
    I appreciate the reply, cause my head has been going in circles reading all the different posts, and all of the different progs everyone is using. As I say, this is something totally new and Greek to me. Just tryng to get this right.

    1) I have installed Craxtion 4 on his PC. I take it that Crax does not contain a built-in FTP prog? It is only for decoding and making the xiso image, then burning the image to disc?

    2) If I do need a separate FTP prog, then, do I need Flashxsp as many others are using, or can I use CuteFTP as you have suggested? I didn't know if Flashxsp is just specific for xbox capabilities.
  4. BR7

    BR7 Regular member

    Oct 30, 2004
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    1. Yes Crax can FTP, read the help file that came with Crax.

    2. I use a seperate FTP program only cause I've used CuteFTP for years and know my way around it pretty well. Im sure any FTP prog will get the job done, its just a matter of your prefs. Most use Flash, Im sure I'm in the minority on using CuteFTP
  5. Candoo

    Candoo Member

    Dec 19, 2004
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    Thanks .....

    All went pretty simple. Took a few minutes to learn my way around the Xbox modded screen, but the connection was easy after that. I used Craxt to transfer and convert the files from his disc. It was trial and error with Crax as I couldn't find a good guide ( I found a few since), and then burned with Nero 5.5 . Strangely, I couldn't burn with a -R disc. Nero would show "no media" with a -R, only +R. The drive is supposed to do either (NEC ND1100A). Most ppl on the forum say to use -R, but the +R worked in the Xbox. I had already dl'd and installed Flash, so I played around with it afterwards. It is pretty slick, but seems the same as any other FTP prog. I've used SmartFTP in the past, but at least Cute is free. I used Flash to delete and shift some game files on his Xbox HD, that were installed by the fellow who modded his box. All-in-all, it was all fairly simple and easy. I bet I could even make another back-up if I tried. LOL
    I gave him a crash course how to make back-ups, and since he's taken it home now, I hope he remembers. :)

    Thanks again .... Candoo

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