Hi can some one put me straight, i want to connect my dbox2 to the pc for the first time i have read about 20 differant articles and they are all differant very similar but differant can anyone give me a tried and tested method, basically i want to record of the box and watch stuff i have saved on my harddrive on the telly, i have a crossover cable and a null modem cable i allready have vlc installed but am a bit unsure from here on, any help greatly appreciated cheers Col.
No problemo i have guide for you that works, If you goto http://techno-source.co.uk/phpbb and register, then goto the guides section. You will see a guide on how to record to your pc
Thanks for the quick reply, well joined the forum excellent and easy to follow just what i am after,on first things first i got all the way to the bottom when i connected the box and the pc and hit repair it just comes up with windows could not finish repairing the problem because the following action cannot be completed cleaning the DNS cache any ideas cheers Col.