i have just installed the pc into vista from wins xp.. i'm havin plms tryin to set up a LAN connection to connect up the xbox360.. can anyone out there try help me through to set up the connection to go on live,,, thanks
have you read any guides yet? Do you know any basic networking stuff? You have to set up the Xbox 360 with almost the same network settings as the PC (except the IP address will be a little different) example: PC info is (get this by pulling up a command promt on the PC and typing "ipconfig/all" without the quotes) it will list the IP, default gateway, subnet mask, and DNS servers. it will also tell you if DHCP is enabled. IP = write down everything from above screen. as the rest will all be the same. Xbox you can make ( the subnet mask, default gateway and DNS addresses will be the same for both the PC and 360) you also need to list how you are connecting, wireless, into a router, into a modem, direct to PC and what type of cable you are using.
i managed to connect up in the windows home edition no plm at all, after i installed the vista version, the network connection are totally different compared to the windows xp edition, wot i got here is a orange wirless livebox downstairs, and my pc and xbox is upstair in my bedroom.. i'm not that expert you know lol.. if there is a possiblity of helpin guide to set it up..
i done a test connection the ip address has failed.., i think i need to set up a bridge network to get connection to the xbox360..wot i need is sometime whoever has a vista and has the ethernet cable connected from xbox to the back of the pc and describe the procedures of setting up the network bridge steps to help me through it... anyone who can offer me help please..
is it the Vista transformation pack? I have heard many problems like yours from people using it. I personally do not have Vista and will not switch to Vista until there is no other choice.
ok, is there any other ways, like is there a possiblity of gettin a wireless adaptor plugged in the xbox360 and other one into the livebox rather than using the long ethernet cable downstair.. thanks for help though..
yes, you can connect with a wireless router and wireless gaming adapter as long as they are Xbox Live compatible, which the box will tell you. Mine are both from Linksys and it works with my Xbox and my 360 just fine.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833124136 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1533893&CatId=1594 those are the one's i have