Conversion problems (possible linked to audio?)

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by pxs1, Feb 28, 2005.

  1. pxs1

    pxs1 Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    I've been using TMPGEnc trouble free for a while convertint DivX and AVI to MPEG for burning as compatible DVDs.

    I'm now getting problems recoding and 2 things are happening....
    1. Sometimes, when I open a file to convert, the Audio stream is much longer than the video stream (upto x3 sometimes).
    2. The video conversion stops after 5 - 10 seconds without any error message.

    I wondered if they are both connected and wondered if anyone has any ideas?

  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Strange, very strange.
    A thing you could try to do is to extract the audio separately with VirtualDub first (compressed or not) , and to convert the video only (e.g. to AVI, compressing it with a codec of great quality (Xvid AS # L5 or DivX 'Home Theater' with high bitrate/quality) setting in VirualDub Audio___'no audio' (so it will be only a video issue), but if the file is corrupt you're done...
    TRy , look the the WAV/MP2/MP3/AC3/ lenght, the vide length then post here the results.

    If the resulting 'mute' AVI's and the compressed/uncompressed WAV's length are similar, you've managed to recover the movie. If not, you're done...
    More likely, you'll have to throw away that file, sorry, I don't know how to recover that...
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2005
  3. pxs1

    pxs1 Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    THanks aldaco12

    Just realised my 'schoolboy error' of not updating my Codecs prior to this post so I updated those and the video now doesn't freeze during conversion so that's problem 2 fixed.

    However, the Audio problem still remains. I'm new to VirtualDub so I'll have a look at it and what you've suggested but bottom lineis, the AVI plays fine in various media players (Core, Windows, etc) but when I open the file in a conversion tool, the audio is longer than the video.

    When I open the file in VirtualDub, it says there is an incorrect VBR audio encoding in Source AVI. I'll faff about with this to see if I can solve it but any ideas would be appreciated...

  4. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    Open the file in virtualdub.
    Select Audio, Full Stream Processing.
    Select File, Save .WAV
    Give it a name and save it somewhere.
    This will save out a large audio file.
    Open tmpgenc, select the video as the video source (duh!) and the newly created .wav as your audio source.
    Encode as normal.
    The problem is with VBR MP3 audio in the source avi. Tmpgenc really can't figure out what to do with it. Once you save it as .wav in virtualdub, then tmpgenc understands it better.

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