This may be super simple, but I have no clue. I want to convert a DVD to an Mpeg1 file to decrease it's size and play in PowerPoint. Any ideas?
try this guide,there might be a better way but i can put 4 or more movies on one dvd with so called tv quality.using this guide and then dvd author,and then nero to burn. if theres a better way,id like to know it too. good luck jim
hi latedate You shouldnt put your question on someone elses thread if you want it answered quickly.Start your own thread with your question so someone can see your specific question. You need some kind of authoring program,i use TPMGEnc dvd author,there is a trial version available to try out. One free authoring program is called IfoEdit,i have this one but i havent used it yet,so im not sure how good that works.They mention something about conflicts with xp, but ive read where people havent found that to be the case.Im sure there are probably others out there, but these are the two i know of. good luck to you happy trails jim